Monday, November 16, 2009


Every so often, people need a little break from Second Life. Sometimes you have real life things that you want to tend to, or need to tend to, and sometimes you just want to reduce your immersion in the pixels for a few days. Sometimes it's both!

Alysa has been offline for a few days, and will be off for a couple more... doing real life things with her real life time and enjoying herself, deservedly so. And I am taking advantage of her absence, and focusing less on pixels, and more on real life. Just for a few days.

In the middle of this short, casual break, we were to do a photo shoot. It was unexpectedly canceled. So we found ourselves in a warm cuddle for the whole evening, just the two of us. A wonderful chat about what we've been up to for the last several days, and what our plans are for the next few, before our pixels meet again.

I cherish these relaxing moments... the moments when Second Life and First Life mix together for a short time - at once sitting alone in an easy chair with a laptop in real life, and also in a close embrace with my pixel partner on the screen, talking about a mix of Second Life things, and First Life things... appreciating not only the pixely partnership, but also the depth of our friendship.

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