Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Linden Labs Pulls a Boner

Linden Labs makes it harder to share items for free, among residents, in a blatant money-grab.

The response:

And my two cents there:

I wonder, how many Lindens stay up how many hours trying to think up ways to make Second Life *less* useful and *less* user friendly for the residents? And how serious are the Lindens about getting accurate and valuable feedback when the only time one can give feedback that counts are in "office hours" in-world? My First Life is busy. When I am in Second Life, I am not usually on the lookout for "office hours". Synchronous feedback channels that have limited seating room for changes in policy that affect residents from time zones around the planet is just a stupid means of collecting serious feedback - unless that is the point. The feedback you're getting here should hold as much weight. Or more.

There are *lots* of freebies that are not marketing ploys in XStreet. There are a *lot* of residents who do not have shops and do not want to sell things... they make something cool and want to share it with other residents in a very open-sourcey kind of way. Linden Lab's money grab is closing down that channel of the true community sharing spirit that is Second Life.

Thanks, Linden Labs!


  1. even more
    they closing Mentor Volunteer program

  2. I heard that in a response to the XStreet issue from Sindy. More and more, I believe they are clueless.
